Saturday, December 20, 2014

Be Consistent

Principle of  Consistency yields results, I'm a big sports fan, lessons learned from sports are many and are used frequently in life. One of them is the importance of consistency. To be a great basketball team, you not only have to practice everyday, but running the same drills and plays using repetition until every one get it right, so all that is left is execution. When you apply the principle of Consistency in life you get better and better results as time goes on. For example If I have two jumps shooters, both shot 100 jumps shots in practice everyday. At the end of practice I ask them to shoot 100 extra Jumps Shot it will only take 20 minutes (easy to do). However 1 leaves and goes home (also easy to do). But what that stayed takes 100 extras jump shots five days out of the week which is 500 Extra Jump Shots, probably will be much better. But he does it all four weeks for the month, so by the end he will have shot 2,000 extra jump shots. you might see a positive change, do this continually for a whole year counting to be up to 24,000 jump shots, you would see the shooter that applied the principle of consistency would become a excellent Jump shooter compare to the 2nd Jump Shooter that only did 12,000 jump shots for the whole year.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Show Up Principle The Base Of Success

When you show up, you are securing your Success. This Principle can be easy to do and easy not to do, it can used for mostly anything in life What is your Goal?  Weather it To Losing weight, Conditioning, To Eat Healthy,  Art, Cooking, Singing, Writing, Dance, Sports, Weight Lifting Musical Instruments, whatever it maybe it applies to The Show Up Principle.
Now Their are different ways to show up For Your Goal, For example Losing weight, Show up at Healthy Organic Store, Running Track, Zumba class, or even at home show up by pop in that DVD of Extreme Makeover.
The Show up Principle works very effectively when there is competition preparing to Enter into a University or State College? There are Thousands of Students planning to go to the same University you want to attend, Show up for SAT For Study and Exams, weather at your room, library, wherever you choose to study, where you know you not going to be disturb. Show up for the Exams, Studies show 70% of Students don't show up for Exams, So you are kind of half way there already to achieve your success along with the other 30%.of Students.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

7 Principles for Success

There are 7 basic easy principles you can do to achieve success
1.Show up When you have a goal show up to it every day, for instance, getting fit running around the track at a High School. Show Up
2.Be Consistent
3. Have a Good Attitude
4. Be Committed For a Long period of Time
5. Have Faith and a Burning Desire
6. Be Willing to Pay the Price
7. Practice Integrity
 Now in the next couple of blogs I'll be going over each 1 for you to get a better understanding.
Until then I would like to know if this is what you like to hear. Give me some questions that you might have about success so I can better serve you that I may answer for you. I want to better your life for your particular situation because this is all about you to improve you life.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Change Your Words Change Your Life

In life words are information on what we think, Know, and Believe. Words leads to  to actions, leads to results. You gain success with your thought and words you speak in your life. These are a couple of words that we can change to words of power.
Weak - Power Words
Try - Will
Hope - Commited
Need - Deserve
Problem - Challenge
Fear - Faith
I wish or want - I am
Power phase
I believe
I am Confident
I am Determine
In a sentence
Ex. I am determine to success
So Change your words change your life

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Double Your Rate Of Failure For Success

Here's a life philosophy.
The formula for success is quite simple: double your rate of failure. 
We are not taught that the key to success is to "double your rate of failure."
Failure whether or not u considerate it an option, it's going to happen. If you go through life considering failure not an option, then you'll never have any good opportunities to learn. Abraham Lincoln had a record of lost elections and public office failures over the course of his career. For the lawyer of Illinois, failure was not only a option, it was practically his specialty. If it hadn't been, he would never have made it to the White House. And if Thomas Edison had subscribe to the "Failure" in not a option" philosophy. In his efforts to find a stable filament to make his electric light bulb invention work, he tried thousands of diffferent versions and every single one failed. His comment: I have not failed. I've simply discovered ten thousand ways that don't work." Successful people fail their way to the top.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Best New Blogging System Ever to Make More Money

Something Very Big is coming. In just a few weeks, the "Blog Beast" will be unleashed, and when it does blogging and marketing will never be the same again. With over a year of development, dozens of some of the smartest people working around the clock, and millions of dollars invested - the "Blog Beast" is expected to take the Internet by storm. 
Right now, you're in the right place at the right time. Get ready - spread the word - and prepare for a tidal wave to hit. If you're an affiliate of Empower Network you have the opportunity to take part in what will be the largest product launch of it's kindin history the best blog